March 7, 2018 Marketing, Small business


You’re getting some lunch or waiting for a train, when you run into an old client from a previous job. 

“So, what are you doing now?” 

How do you answer? Do you have a short, persuasive summary that will spark interest in your new business? Or will you start off with an incomplete story, easily misunderstood? Will you kick yourself later when you realise the opportunity you just missed? 

You need an elevator pitch. It’s named after the short amount of time you have with a person in an elevator ride, before the doors open and everyone goes their separate ways. 

Avoid breaking out your elevator pitch at parties – you’ll end up sad and alone! 

When the time is right and you are with that potential client, buyer or industry colleague; launch into your well-constructed, well-rehearsed, interesting and – most-importantly – short! speech. The idea is to encourage genuine interest before handing over your business card. Ideally, you’ll get to schedule a meeting, or send more information.

Don’t deliver a run of the mill description of your type of business. Give a compelling case for why you do it better and how your own business is unique. What do you want the person to remember most? 

Practice your elevator pitch often. You should be able to reel it off comfortably with no notice, and it should last no longer than a minute. You are personally delivering an advertisement for your product, service, project or process. Turn that brief moment into an opportunity.

Do you have a business idea? Would you like to be self-employed? To find out more about the free NEIS small business training program, use the postcode search tool to find your nearest NEIS provider.

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