2024 Business Awards – Call for Nominations


The National Self-Employment Association calls for nominations from members for the 2024 SELF-EMPLOYMENT ASSISTANCE Business Awards. 

The awards are to be presented at a Dinner to be held on September 10, 2024, in Adelaide.  The association is also delighted to announce BizCover is again the proud sponsor of these awards.

Award Categories

Best New Business Award

The Best New Business award is presented to a current new business that has been in operation for less than 2 years.  The award aims to recognise proprietors new to business who have demonstrated good business management practices in establishing and growing their business for long-term success. If the business is older than 9 months, the business proprietor must not have returned to Services Australia income support payments.

BizCover Change Award

The BizCover Change award recognises that Self-Employment Assistance often changes lives forever. To be eligible for this award, the business must be able to demonstrate that undertaking the Self-Employment Assistance program has turned their life around – be it financially, mentally and/or emotionally. The Self-Employment Assistance business proprietors must have completed their period of Self-Employment Assistance and not be in receipt of Services Australia income support payments. The business must have been in operation for at least 12 months, and no more than 3 years.

Unsung Hero Award

The Unsung Hero award recognises those who have provided support to the program from behind the scenes, be it in Administration, Quality Assurance, Program design, Marketing or supporting other team members along with other facets of making the program successful.  They will be committed, positive, and willing to go the extra mile to ensure the success of their Team.

Business Champion Award

The Business Champion Award is presented to an employee or subcontractor of a Self-Employment Assistance provider who is actively involved in the conduct of Self-Employment Assistance. They may be a trainer, or a Coach providing support services directly to participants. The award aims to recognise those who have positively influenced the program from their interaction with clients and through their commitment to excellence, positive attitude and a willingness to go the extra mile to ensure the success of the program


  • Best New Business Award winner will receive a plaque and $1,500
  • BizCover Change Award winner will receive a plaque and $1,500.
  • Unsung Hero Award will receive a plaque and $1,500.
  • Business Champion Award will receive a plaque and $1,500.


All finalists for all four categories will receive a Certificate of Recognition.


Terms and Conditions

  1. Only current provider members for the 2024/2025 financial year will qualify for nominations.
  2. Nominees can only be entered in one award category in any given year.
  3. Previous winners cannot be entered into the same category in which they have previously won.
  4. Businesses nominated for an award may be profiled for a Self-Employment Assistance Success story by the NS-EA, Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR), and BizCover. As such, all nominees must sign and submit the appropriate release forms with their application.
  5. Failure to include requested documentation and supporting evidence, or to observe page limits will result in elimination during the short-listing process.
  6. Nominations close at 5.00pm on Sunday July 7 2024. No late entries will be accepted.


Submission and Closing Date

Postal entries must be date stamped no later than 5.00pm on Sunday July 7 2024 to be accepted

All entries must be sent to the National Self-Employment Assistance Association Ltd either

  1. By email to ceo@nsea.org.au
  2. By post to NSEA, 6-8 Todd Street, Port Adelaide SA 5015


Please submit your nomination using the following relevant nomination form and supporting evidence and consents:

Best New Business Award

Business Champion Award

Change Award

Unsung Hero Award

Profit and Loss Template

Publicity Release Form

Privacy Consent Form



  • The judging panel will comprise the NSEA Board and representatives from BizCover.
  • To ensure impartiality, judges will be excluded from judging a category when a nominee from their organisation (including consortiums) is a finalist.
  • In the event of a tie, the BizCover representative will decide the winner.
  • The judges’ decision is final, and no correspondence or negotiation will be entered into.


For further information please contact

Diane Minnis

Chief Executive Officer

P: 0499 049 278

E: ceo@nsea.org.au


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