Board Members
Mel is the National Operations Manager for Sarina Russo Entrepreneurs, supporting the team across QLD, NSW, VIC and SA. Mel has been working in employment services since 2012, joining the NEIS team with Sarina Russo Entrepreneurs as a trainer and business coach in 2013.
As a small business owner for over 25 years, Mel is passionate about supporting others in realizing their dreams and has assisted over 700 individuals to start their own business. Mel believes that the most rewarding aspects of working in NEIS / Self Employment Assistance is to see individuals grow, gain confidence, and increase their belief that they can achieve business success!
As a member of the board, Mel is focused on representing and supporting providers to ensure successful outcomes for Self-Employment Assistance for both providers and participants.
Mel holds a degree in Psychology and supports job seekers to overcome mental health barriers that prevent them achieving employment success. Mel also has a strong interest in Organisation Psychology, particularly relating to individual traits that contribute towards entrepreneurial effectiveness and is hoping to research this further.
Mel RichardsChairperson 
Since beginning in Retail over 35 years ago, Sam has held a number of leadership and Management positions. Sam currently holds the position of Vice Chairperson of the Association.
His experience in Business Development and operating a successful Registered Training Organisation, has enabled him to assist people to achieve their personal, career and business goals with clarity and effectiveness.
Sam’s experience with Industry and Government initiatives in the past adds to his abilities to represent and work with a broad range of individuals and communities.
Both personal and professional challenges have helped Sam develop a resilience regarding life and a “can do” attitude.
His greatest satisfaction comes from his passion to see people and organisations grow, helping them to set and achieve goals. His analytical and strategic abilities are evident in all his business interactions.
Sam’s organisation has held the Self-Employment contract over the last 7 years and specialises in Remote/Region representation along with SA metropolitan Employment Regions.
Sam brings extensive Board experience to the role including 5 years as a Director for the Association.
Sam DonatoVice Chairperson 
Luke joined the family business in 2007 and for the past 15 years has been involved in all aspects of operations as a New Enterprise Incentive Scheme and now Self Employment Assistance provider.
Having worked across 4 tender contracts, he has implemented and managed changes including the variations and complexities involved under different governments and underpinning agendas.
Luke enjoys working in this space whilst helping people follow their passion and turn business opportunities into reality.
With an extensive knowledge of the program and systems involved, he brings this experience from the program coal face to NSEA.
Being familiar with the barriers of distance from more populated states, Luke has experience in ensuring that communication remains viable and effective for all.
He continues working directly with the department in an official capacity with NSEA to help address ongoing issues with all facets of the program and is a voice for members.
Luke currently holds the role of Treasurer.
Luke Van LithTreasurer 
Catherine is the General Manager Training for Enterprise & Training Company Ltd (ETC) working across states in Coffs Harbour & Southport offices, and her role encompasses oversight of the Self-Employment Assistance program, Career Transition Assistance and Registered Training Organisation (RTO).
She has over 25 years experience in the Vocational Education and Training sector, with over 15 years experience in senior management roles.
Under Catherine’s leadership, ETC operates as the 4th largest Self-Employment Assistance provider nationally, across 8 employment regions in regional NSW & Qld with a 10% market share nationally.
Catherine regularly attends networking events, and a range of Chamber of Commerce and government events to engage with stakeholders and advocate for the needs of the local communities in which we operate. Catherine's passion is advocating for participant outcomes and seeing the success of our Self-Employment Assistance program.
Catherine is very keen in her support of the association and serving the needs of all members of the National Self-Employment Association while contributing to its growth and success. Catherine holds a Bachelor of Training and Development, a Graduate Certificate of Professional Practice (Organisational Leadership), Diploma of WHS and Diploma of Vocational Education and Training.
Catherine HullDirector 
As the Director of Self-Employment Assistance and Marketing at Asuria, James Kittos is actively involved in empowering entrepreneurs to start their own businesses. James is a graduate in Commerce from Macquarie University and is based in Sydney, Australia. His professional background includes successfully rolling out extensive national public employment services provider contracts and playing a pivotal role in the development and growth of the Asuria brand and its Enterprising Heart culture.
James KittosDirector 
Mener manages the Self-Employment Assistance program for MTC Australia
Mener RashaDirector
Di has worked in Self-Employment programs since 2010 and in Registered Training Organisations for over 25 years, in various roles. During this time, she has built enduring relationships and received and provided support for many in the two industries.
She has represented providers and stakeholder groups at Regional, State and National level in the areas of Program Review and consultation, Training Package review, ASQA Audits and Industry consultation. She is a passionate advocate for supporting people to become self-sufficient and of lifelong learning.
Her current role as Chief Executive Officer includes representing members of the National Self-Employment Association to government, providing individual support to members and their participants, liaising with other government programs to find common goals, and ensuring that members have a voice that is heard within the administration of the program.
Client groups that she has worked with include unemployed, underemployed, migrants, indigenous groups, adult learners, and parents returning to the workforce. Working across multiple funding bodies and states of South Australia, New South Wales, Victoria, Western Australia and Northern Territory along with Commonwealth projects, Di has navigated through the rules and regulations of each system and applies this learning during discussions and reviews.
During this time, she has also been involved in the ownership and active management of several Small Businesses including Horticulture, Viticulture, Retail and Manufacturing, providing her with the life experience to understand the support that is required for new small business operators to be successful.
Di holds a Graduate Certificate in Commerce, Diploma of Training Design and Development, Diploma of Human Resource Management, Certificate IV in Training and Assessment, Certificate IV in Bookkeeping, and is a champion of blended and e-Learning with a special interest in providing learning opportunities to rural and regional learners.
Diane MinnisChief Executive Officer